Open regedit and Find " NoFind" change Value=0
You can completely disable the Windows XP search functionality for a single user.
If you just want to do it for the current user, use the following steps:
1. Select the Run option from the Start menu.
2. Type "cmd" and hit Enter.
3. Type "reg Export HKU backup.reg" and hit Enter.
4. Type "reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer /v
NoFind /t REG_DWORD /d 1" and hit Enter.
5. Logoff and log back on.
You will notice that you cannot find any options to search anywhere within Windows, after you
follow these steps.
However, this is only good for the current user. If you want to do this for every user, then you
will need to follow these steps for each user listed under the HKEY_USERS hive (include
You can find these users by typing "reg Query HKU" and hitting Enter. You can ignore any of
the entries that end in "_Classes", but for each of the others, replace "HKCU" in step 4 with
"HKU\.DEFAULT" (replace .DEFAULT with the user, as needed)
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